Dr Andras Hegyi – Part 3 – Nordic Hamstring Research

hamstring hamstring rehab hamstring training nordic nordic hamstring research research unpacked Apr 30, 2024


Episode 95: For this third Research Unpacked episode Alistair McKenzie chats to Dr Andras Hegyi a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Nantes, France. For part two Alistair and Andras continue discussing his hamstring muscle research on Nordics

Part two topics discussed: 

  • Optimal technique of the Nordic Hamstring Exercise
  • Perspectives one the limitations of the Nordic Hamstring Exercise
  • The effect of hip angle one joint torque and muscle activity
  • Contraction dynamics of NHE with different hip angles
  • Future research 

Hegyi et al., 2019 ‘The Impact of Hip Flexion Angle on Unilateral and Bilateral Nordic Hamstring Exercise Torque and High-Density Electromyography’ The journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy, 49(8), 584-592. 

Research link


Where you can find Andras: