Dr Stephanie Filbay – Non-Surgical ACL Management with Cross Bracing Protocol

acl acl cross bracing acl cross bracing prognosis acl cross bracing rehab acl healing research unpacked Apr 30, 2024


Episode 126: In this Research Unpacked Episode Dr Dylan Carmody chats to Dr Stephanie Filbay. Dr Filbay is a Physiotherapist, NHMRC Emerging Leader Fellow, Dame Kate Campbell Fellow and Senior Research Associate in the Department of Physiotherapy at the University of Melbourne. Dr Filbay leads a team aiming to improve outcomes for people with ACL injury across the lifespan. Her team are evaluating non-surgical strategies to facilitate healing of ACL rupture, creating a patient decision aid and training resources to educate clinicians and inform patients about evidence-based ACL injury management options, and developing a novel intervention to improve quality of life and health outcomes for people who develop osteoarthritis after ACL injury. She has presented her research over 80 times to a variety of stakeholders, chairs and serves on national and international committees.

Topics Discussed

  • Can the ACL heal?
  • What is ACL cross bracing?
  • How effective is ACL cross bracing?
  • What really qualifies an ACL coper?

Where you can find Dr Stephanie Filbay:

Research Discussed: