Eric Cressey (NY Yankees Director of Player Health & Performance / President & Co-Founder of Cressey Sports Performance)

athletic shoulder baseball cervicothoracic mlb rfd shoulder thowers throwing athlete vbt Apr 28, 2024


Episode 69: Following the Inform Performance X Elite Baseball Development Podcast Swapcast last week, this week Eric Cressey is the guest on the Inform Performances podcast. In this episode both Andy McDonald and Ben Ashworth ask Eric the questions as the second edition of a two part series. Eric is one of the best know S&C coaches globally, he’s the president and co-founder of Cressey Sports Performance and the current Director of Player Health & Performance at the New York Yankees.

In this episode Andy, Ben and Eric discuss:

  • Lowerbody & Upperbody standards in thowing athletes
  • Scaling Programs 
  • Strategies to protect players from Injury 
  • Rotation strength in perspective
  • Cervicothoracic relationship with the throwing shoulder
  • VBT & RFD in throwers 
  • Workload management in throwing athletes

Where you can find Eric: